Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hello, There!

I love to eat out. I also love to cook. But let's be honest here, much of my inspiration comes from things that I have tried going out to eat.

I went to culinary school, so you might think I might be snobby about where or what I eat. The fact is, my love for food in all of it's forms trumps all.

I love exploring other people's love of food as well. That's why going out to eat is so fun!

My husband and I used to eat out ALL THE TIME when we got married. It was basically our date night. At one point in our marriage, I think it was the only thing we could agree on.

Now we have a child. And one on the way.

I didn't want to give up this activity, so I have been a pro at finding places that one adult can get a good meal while bringing their child along to eat well too.

Questions I have to ask about a place...

How formal is the place?

Do they have a kids menu?

Do they have crayons and paper?

Are people going to gasp when they see me sit my child down?

I am going to blog about establishments that hit the entire spectrum, from super-duper casual to a nicer restaurant that is welcoming to a child dining.

I hope you join me and my family on this journey to explore the family friendly dining in the greater Cincinnati area. We love to eat out, so we won't disappoint.